Black & White or Color Copies
Our most used service. We are after all a Copy Center.
Got a thousand copies Black & White copies to make? No problem.
Our very fast Xerox printer will have your job done in no time.
Or is color printing more your thing?
Then our modern Xerox and HP printer prints your documents in high laser or inkjet quality.
Inkjet printing is also possible for lower volumes.
We can print in Lettersize, A4, A3, A2, A1 Legal Size up to 300 g/m2.
The first Black and White copy starts at AWG 1,-
The following copies are 0,25 each.
Discounts apply for 30 or more copies.
Color Copies start at AWG 1,25 for Semi Color pages.
Semi Color is pages with a small amount of color.
Full Color pages are AWG 2.25 per printed side.
*All prices are in Arubian florin. Tax included.